Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Conformity :)

For the record, I don't know how many times people have told me that I should start a blog, and how many times I've told them: no.way.on.earth.
And yet, here I am :)
I guess the main reason I protested for so long was because I never thought I'd have anything interesting enough to publish to the world. (Theoretically speaking, of course. This will probably only reach a handful of people. Walla Walla and Rexburg can hardly be called 'world'.)
But still, I have a story to tell and since I've been...slightly slacking on my daily journal writing-and by 'slightly' I mean I haven't made an entry in eight months-I thought this would be a good place to record the ups and downs and inbetweens of being in my first year of marriage.
So here, I go. Call it plain, call it conformity, but I just call it life.

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